Wir waren im Dreamicon Valley an der Grenze zu Österreich und Ungarn – dort startet die erste NEUE Kooperation im Bereich weltweiter Start Ups Betreuung – Schulung etc.
Welcome to Escape the City
We are on a mission to help 1,000,000 people find work they love.
Why? Because 1,000,000 people doing work they love will change the world
Unfulfilled and ambitious, we wanted to escape our corporate jobs. We looked for a service to help us find genuinely exciting new opportunities. There wasn’t one… So we built our own. We have built Escape as the bridge between the old world of work and the new. We’d love you to join our community of +250,000 talented professionals building careers on their own terms. http://www.escapethecity.org/about-us
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