What do you need to fly successfully into space? What do you need to live your adventure successfully? AstronautTraining for MentalPsyche© for Space Tourists, also called Space Flyers.
MentalFitness for Astronauts.
What can we learn from astronauts? Find out everything you need to know here so you can move your company forward. Space Coaches for your company – Profit from the know-how of the astronauts.
In our Space Coach course, seminars and workshops you will get to know our neurolimbic-based tools – from interpreation-free communication to short-term trauma therapy methods, mindset tools and the basic knowledge of astronauts.
Book a Space Coaching® to know if you will be able to start your space flight at all. Or we can create a plan to participate. Book space coaching to prove that you have the opportunity to become an astronaut.

Space Coach University®
The campus of the Space Coach Academy® has made it its mission to teach and teach the tools that humans and astronauts in particular need in order to successfully master their mission.
They will make their lives more successful with these tools or the training courses. The meaning of their life will become more obvious or confirmed.

We want you!
Why become a SpaceCoach®?
You want to learn how to easily cope with extreme life situations?
How do you achieve freedom from stress and an emotional balance?
The individual mindset for every situation?
Short-term therapeutic methods. CRM and the 9 points of astronaut success.
You primarily work with people who want to fly into space.
And you will work with astronauts. Before, during and after their flight.

Would you like to learn more about your Space Coaching®?
Our Space Coaches®
AstronautTrainer for MentalPsyche©
You choose your Space Coach® and everything else will be clarified.
Alexander Maria Faßbender
Founder and First Space Coach
Dr. Werner Regen
Space Coach, Russland
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